Planning on using a reciprocating saw for a project? If you’re a newbie, you’ll learn a lot from our points. They’ll teach you how to use the machine the best, as well as give you safety tips. Keep reading.
Anticipate Cutting Through Anything
What are you going to use the saw to cut? There may be wires or pieces of glass in the material you’ll be working on. If you’re not prepared, a piece of glass hitting the rotating blade could lead to a very dangerous situation.
If you’re using the saw to cut through walls, there could be wires in them. If they’re live, you’d be in danger. Carefully plan each cut before sawing through.

Hold the Machine Tight
Take a look at the machine’s shoe. To cut through materials effectively, the shoe needs to be held a certain way. It should be pressed tight against whatever you’re sawing. Why? Because you’ll be making its blade rotate faster. By holding the shoe tight against the surface, vibrations would be reduced too. If you’re a newbie working the machine, this’d make it easier to handle.
What Motion Are You Using?
Not only does placing the saw shoe tightly against the material make it cut faster, but so would the motion you’re using to cut through the surface. Think about sawing with a circular up-and-down motion. It’ll get the most effective job done.
Is It the Right Saw?
Reciprocating saws come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. The one you’re interested in may be on the smaller size – it won’t be able to cut through thick surfaces. Look at options with larger blades. The motor in the unit influences how smooth it’d be able to cut too.
If you’re working on a major client project, getting a hold of an option with a powerful motor, like a Milwaukee reciprocating saw, might be needed. Know that if you look around, you’ll be able to snag one for not that much cash.
Be Mindful of Heat
As the blade will turn at rapid speeds, it can get very hot. Once you’re done sawing the object, you might think about changing the blade with another. But be mindful of how hot it would be – you could seriously burn yourself.

Speaking of changing the blade, always unplug the saw when doing so. It should also be unplugged when swapping accessories out. You’re dealing with something that could accidentally turn on, so you’re better safe than sorry.
Final Thoughts
What did you think about the points discussed? Reciprocating saws can handle a lot more material than their regular counterparts. To handle them the best, it’s great that you ran through our points. Safety is very important. You should always unplug the machines when changing blades or accessories – only having the saw switched off won’t be okay. You could accidentally turn it on and seriously injure yourself.
Make sure that you picked the right saw for the project, as it could be too small to cut through what you want.