Sand is primarily used in construction but the type of sand used will depend on the application. Sand can be used for flooring applications as it can be compressed quite easily. But you need to be aware of the right ratios when mixing sand with other components to create mortar, plaster, concrete etc. If there is an inaccuracy in the ratio the sand will not satisfy the proper function.
There are different suppliers such as Riversands for providing sand and you need to ask about the quality testing regarding the sand so that it will be effective for the purpose of your project. Sand is sourced from different areas and sometimes produced from different sources. Concrete sand is made from crushed concrete. After the concrete is crushed, it will be filtered to remove any large aggregate. This sand can be used as a levelling base when you mix it with cement and water. You can use it for outdoor seating areas and walking paths. The grains in this type of sand are quite small so it is useful for building soft walking paths. There are some applications where it is used to fill cracks and voids as well.

The sand that is sourced from river bands is called river sand or natural sand. It has a whitish grey colour and is a very fine particle. This sand type is used for concreting and masonry work. It requires less water than other types because it carries a degree of moisture within the sand. Because this sand is easily accessible it is quite affordable. But the silica content of this sand has to be checked before using it for construction purposes. Pit sand is a coarse type of sand and is sourced under the ground. There are deep pits that will carry this rough sand and you can use this sand to create a strong binding.

In addition to natural sand, you can also manufactures and by crushing granite. This way, you can save on the transport costs that are incurred when bringing sand from a river bank far away. The particles from crushed granite are quite angular and this shape will add to the binding nature of the sand and increase concrete strength. But it also requires a higher water content as the angles create more voids to be filled. There is no silt in this sand because it is artificially created. You will not find any large sized aggregates either. Because this sand can be manufactured, you can be sure that it doesn’t carry any impurities that will affect the strength of the concrete. And you can control the size of the granules as well. The properties of this sand can be better controlled and therefore a higher quality of sand can be achieved. There is sand that is produced from quartz as well and that is called utility sand. It has good compaction properties and because the quartz doesn’t react with other materials, it is a good material to be used in corrosive environments.