With age everything changes in life. This can also mean the sexual life, many things can change with age. Low hormone levels and changes in nerve and circulatory function can lead to sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction or vaginal pain.
These physical changes often mean that the intensity of sex life in adolescence may give way to less responsiveness in middle and later life. But with age the experience and understanding about your body is better. Thiscan help you create an exiting and ultimately more satisfying sexual experience. By understanding the important physical and emotional factors that make up sexual pleasure, you can better see what’s going on.The problems related to sex have so many treatments. In some cases medications can help and you can get help from professionals if needed. But you can fix some minor sexual problems by changing your sex style. Few things mentioned can be tried by yourself.
Learn about it: There are a lot of good self-help materials out there for all kinds of sexual problems. Check online and choose some resources that are right for you, and use them to help you and your partner learn more about the subject. If face-to-face conversations are too complicated, you and your partner can highlight passages that each other particularly likes.

Give some time: With age increases the time taken for sexual response increases as well. You and your partner can improve your chances of success by finding a quiet, comfortable, uninterrupted place to have sex. Due to different physiological changes in your body it might take a longer time for arousal or orgasm compared to earlier.
Try different positions:. Developing different sexual positions will not only increase your interest in sex, but also help you overcome problems. For example, when a man enters a partner from behind, the G-spot stimulation is intensified, which helps a woman reach orgasm.
Use lubricant. Vaginal dryness is a great problem of women in premenopausal age. The most commonly used way to overcome this is by using of lubricant. Use it heavily to avoid painful sex, a problem that can lead to increased libido and relationship tension. If the lubricant no longer works, discuss other options with your doctor.
Use a vibrator: This can help a female understand what she actually needs. These toys can make her happy and give her more sexual pleasure.
Physical connection: Even if you are tired, stressed, or distracted by problems, kisses and hugs are essential to maintaining emotional and physical connection.

Practice touch: Sensory techniques can be used to increase more pleasure. There can be so many different practices available in internet and also videos. You can also ask your partner to touch you the way they want to touch you. This will give you a better idea of the pressure to use, from soft to connection.
Yourfantasies: This will help you understand what will make you and your partner more exited. Work with your partner to recreate these fantasies which can give a great improvement in your sexual life.