A non-profit organization or shortly, NGO, is a group whose aims and goals is to commit itself to helping or developing a specific group of people or community. These groups no do profit from their activities, hence the name, but rather their aim is to fully help the marginalized sectors of the society, and believe that in lifting up those who are down below could greatly help the society in its greater commitment to combat poverty and hunger for the poor and marginalized. Here are some ways in which an NGO can help a community of people regains its dignity from the grasps of poverty.
Open Opportunities
NGO can offer opportunities to the people in given community. So, the thing is no matter how eloquent or capable a person could be but without any opportunity around him or her then they would still be stuck in the mud of poverty for their entire lives, thus in helping the poor and marginalized communities it is imperative that the NGO could open some opportunities for the people that they are helping. Not only should they give free food for that matter, but they must also be able to help these individuals provide food for their family’s table at the end of the day.

Train for Independence
Train these marginalized people not for the sake of having projects within the community but for the sake of helping them in a way which would give them the wings to soar and the feet to stand on their own. Non profit training should be made available for these communities such as business making trainings, which could render them fully capable to generate their own income within their scope of community and even beyond. These trainings are very important because not only will it open opportunities but it could also give purpose and meaning for the people in the community.
Offer Alternative Education
The children are the future of not just the nation but also the community in which they belonged to. Thus is a sense if a group aims to help a community out of poverty, then they must also plan out an extensive plan in which they include the children and the best approach in it is most likely in the area of education.
If the next generation of children could be educated well and be motivated to continue learning then there would always be a promising hope for that community. Education must be offered and it must be included on the core set of plans for a given community. Not only scholarships but also assistance with daily expenses in education.

Focus on Equity
Lastly, equity must be settles within the community and that not only the poorest of the poor will be given an opportunity but also those that are struggling in between those strata. The unequal distribution of aid towards that of the poor creates imbalance for those who are struggling because they too needed help, thus equity in terms of help is needed as such that those who are assessed to need help must be given help no matter the degree of their poverty, but they must be aided in a manner that is equal to their need.
As non-state actors, NGO play a freer and unhindered role in helping more communities by being free from politics and other prejudiced factor that could hinder help to the poor communities.